Cutter Suction Dredge Speed Energy Design
The increasing in rock or soil size, the decrease of cutter specific energy. In working designation, a cutter head speed of 30 rotation per minute is used for nominal suction to rock. Bigger rock requires slower rotating speed, lower specific energy and higher torques and cutting forces.

Reducing the diameter of the cutter head to cutter suction dredger will also cause higher cutting torques and working forces, only when the maximum thickness of the cut deceases and the sand or rock production decreases.

Pump Production vs. Mixture Velocity At Different Cutter Head RPM’s
Pump Production vs. RPM At Different Mixture Velocities

A cutter head of 3 meters in diameter the working capacity of sand dredge pump is more than 5 m?/s and transfer speed 5m/s, and the production ability with more than 70% (30% spillage).
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